Being Lived

With this 15-minute guided meditation, allow yourself to feel life being lived through you. Inspired by Dr. Wayne Dyer’s book, The Power of Intention, I invite you to turn down the volume on your thoughts, allowing them to become like distant background music. To let your heart space expand. To notice how your body is being breathed, without any effort or action on your part. To experience being breathed and feel the life-force energy within you that causes your heart to beat and blood to flow. To experience your body as a rich, vibrant garden and pure intention fulfilling itself in you. To remember: you do not have to try to be who you are. You do not have to find yourself or figure it all out. Your life is unfolding perfectly. Let yourself feel the life-force energy breathing, moving, living you. Rest in this space, experiencing the power of life being lived through you. Know that any moment you can tap into your life-force energy and relax into it, trusting that it always has been and always will be there for you.  

Do You Let Yourself Have What You Want?

Listen to the blog HERE.

What do you want?

What does your heart most deeply desire?

Is there something you say that you want, yet you are neither attaining it nor taking inspired action steps toward achieving it?

This concept of moving toward our heart’s desires can be likened to a sort of internal GPS. In order to effectively use a GPS or any kind of map, you first need to know your exact geographic location.

Where are you currently on the map?

Secondly, you need to know exactly where you are going--or, at the very least, to have a good sense of the general direction in which you are heading.

For example, I want to run a business that positively impacts my clients’ lives and is fulfilling for me, as well. I may not know every single step I will take to get there, but I feel certain that this is the general direction in which I’m moving.

Of course, it is ideal to know exactly where you’re going so that life can take you there.

Where is it that you want to go?

If you’re not taking inspired action toward getting what you want, here are a few possible reasons why:

  1. You’re simply not telling yourself the truth about what you want.

    Have you perhaps become confused into thinking you desire something that society, your family or your friends think you should want and have? Dig deeper and explore what it is that you actually want.

  2. An unconscious belief is keeping you from trying to achieve this desire.

    Maybe thoughts like ‘it will take too much time and effort’, ‘I don’t know where to begin’, or ‘I can’t actually make this happen’ are running in the background of your mind without you even realizing it.

  3. An underlying/competing want is preventing your want from coming to fruition.

    For example, a woman says she desires a more peaceful, loving relationship with her partner. Further probing reveals that what she really wants is to be ‘right’. This underlying desire is sabotaging her stated wish for her relationship.

The things our heart longs for the most are valuable clues leading us to our real purpose here on the planet. When we pay attention to what we desire, we learn more about what matters most to us and what we want to prioritize in life.

Tune in and ask yourself, “What is it that I want?”

You already have everything you need to get it. It’s all within you, and awareness and dedicated action will bring it forth. Give yourself permission to receive what you want.

May you have everything your heart truly desires today!

Thanks for listening and reading! Click here to access a free 8-minute guided meditation and PDF worksheet to further explore this idea

Ashlie WoodsComment
3 Easy Ways to Invite More Joy into Your Life


Where in your life do you experience joy?

The answers may change from day to day. Sweet children, loyal pets, a mug of warm coffee and being out in nature are just a few examples of things that give us joy. Animals and young kids are naturally present and joyful, which makes them great teachers. 

Joyful experiences give us that feeling when the sun’s rays breaks through the clouds on a gray day. It’s feels as if joy finds us suddenly and without warning, that we don’t have control over our joy, that it just happens when it happens. In reality, joyfulness was there all along, but we didn’t realize it because we were so busy fixating on the endless chatter in our minds.

The good news is that we can actually cultivate joy by inviting it to show up more in our lives. We can intentionally part the clouds. In this analogy, the clouds represent the repetitive, compulsive thinking and all the mind’s activities that we can’t seem to shut off. 

If you’re interested in bringing more joy into your daily life, the key is to quiet the mind and create a break in thinking in order to allow joy to emerge.

Here are three simple practices for quieting the mind and truly arriving in the present moment:

1.      Recognize the noise in your head as noise.

This creates an opening. When you become aware of the noise and can even say,

“Noise, I see you”, the thinking automatically loses its power and momentum.

 2.      Recognize that this compulsive, repetitive thinking is not yours, nor is it your enemy. It is the human condition.

 Appreciate that the monkey mind is actually trying to keep you safe in its own special way, and don’t fight against it.

3.      Come into your body; get out of your mind.

There are many simple methods to allow yourself to fully arrive in your physical body. Take a deep, conscious breath. Feel your feet on the ground. Even stomp your feet, if you want, and feel a sense of groundedness. Place your hands on your belly as you breathe. Feel the air touching your skin. Find the habit that works for you.

Joy is your true nature. It is always there, like the blue sky and sun behind the clouds. It’s as simple as that, yet easier said than done! Practice noticing the noise, accepting it, and letting it go by bringing awareness and intention into your body and feet. In this way, we can invite more joy into our life and experiences, moment to moment.

Ashlie Woodsjoy, ashlie woods