One small step at a time

When it comes to creating lasting change in your life -- don't underestimate the power of micro-moves!

A micro-move is a small, consistent action infused with clear intention.

Something as simple as making your bed or drinking plenty of water, when infused with clear intention and high energy, becomes a powerful force for change.

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Use micro-moves to support your growth.

GRAB YOUR JOURNAL -- Take 5 minutes and walk through this exercise.

Find a comfortable place to sit and take a few slow breaths into a soft belly. Allow yourself to relax and your heart to be open. When you feel present in your body proceed through the following questions.

1. Ask your heart, what do I want to experience more of in my life? (You might find it helpful to place your hand on your heart.) Allow the answers to arise in whatever way they do. You may receive words, images, body sensations, symbols, etc. Trust whatever comes and write that down.

2. Now ask, what gets in the way of me having more of that now? Again, trust whatever answers show up for you and write them down.

3. Next question, if I were truly committed to experiencing my heart's desires, what tiny actions could I take? Let the answers come and just dump them on the page. It's helpful to know they may seem out of left field and not make rational sense to your mind. That's ok!

4. Review your list of possible micro-moves and notice which ones light you up. That is to say, the ones that have some energy behind them and speak to your soul.

5. Circle 2-4 micro-moves that you're willing to try over the coming month. You can use the practice tracker below to help you remember and stay present to them.

Remember to infuse each tiny action with the clear intention of what you're inviting into your heart and life.

P.S. When you're ready to go deeper, there are a couple of ways I can support you.

1. Private Coaching -- Shift out of old habitual patterns and into new energy. Custom designed to support you and your heart's desires. Schedule a call here and see if coaching is a fit for you.

2. Join me on retreat -- Potent experiences that liberate and empower. Learn more about upcoming retreats here.

Ashlie Woods