I pulled a card for you ✨

I pulled a card for you today. I invite you to take a deep breath and open your heart to receive whatever part of this message your soul most needs to hear today.


Amaroo: The Beautiful Place

Your dreams of a more beautiful world are not a product of childish fantasy, nor idle imagination. They are true spiritual visions inspired by the universal heart that yearns for divine paradise to be manifested in all worlds. You have a life purpose to assist in the creation of divine harmony in the world, through sacred activism and the expression of your soul talents. Believe that the beautiful world you long for is not only possible but part of your spiritual responsibility to create.

Don't be scared to face a problem head-on. You don't need to be wilful about a solution, but, in facing the issues, you shall simplify the complexity and recognize the practical steps that will create healing change. Keep your mind and heart open as you ask for unconditionally loving guidance as to how you best evoke divine healing in any situation. There is an outcome available to you that is far more beautiful and divinely inspired than what you can currently envision. Ask for divine help, and trust unconditionally in the assistance that will lead you away from the limitations of your current thinking, into the perfection of what the Divine wishes for you and our world.

Ashlie Woods