How can you hear your heart when the days are so loud and busy?

When we are not watching, life can turn into one big notification.
The phone dings, an email sends, a text comes in, a WhatsApp pops up, an alarm goes off, a coffee pot buzzes, the washing machine chimes, calendar reminders ping, smartwatches vibrate… we are on alert, programmed to respond in order to keep life moving for ourselves and others around us.
We are productive, make-shit-happen people. We have families, friends and dreams to tend to. We live in a world where to move forward means work - doing things and having habits or practices that drive our desires.
We can bring awareness to the impact of a notification filled life by meditating, stopping to breathe, hobbies that bring us into a flow of joy, social appointments that make us belly laugh and intentional time to nurture the most enjoyable parts of living. The key component is intention. The more intention we bring to life, the more presence and joy we experience.
I recently celebrated turning the big and beautiful 4-0. I indulged in the transition alongside my love, Adrian. He surprised me with an unknown destination that literally took my breath away.

Photo taken at Antelope Canyon

Photo taken at Antelope Canyon

I had an experience coming into 4-0 of the deep value of unplugging from a notification-filled life. I adore my life’s work. My clients, my leading retreats, my dancing practice, my workout routine, my business leadership programs, my photography AND I really got why I love my life’s work -- it centers around getting still and unplugging to hear what the heart has to say. The heart speaks in stillness and through embodying the antidotes to anxiety (love, joy, peace, patience, wholeheartedness). What Adrian gifted me was serenity.

Photo taken at Horse Shoe Bend

Photo taken at Horse Shoe Bend

I believe there is a life that wants to be lived through you and your big and beautiful heart knows the way. I have walked hundreds of people through hearing their hearts and it is the most refreshing and joyful experience in life. I want to personally invite you to turn off ALL of the notifications in life. Try this for 24 hours and see what happens.

If you are ready to unplug and be with your heart, I invite you to join me in Costa Rica. We will laugh, cry, dance, play, meditate and explore our way through Costa Rica together and you will not return the same as you once were.