Buy The Ticket

Why am I encouraging you to register now for a retreat that's an entire year away?

It's simple: Everything in your life will change when you buy the ticket.

One committed action sets off a domino effect and the Universe starts to conspire on our behalf! I've been watching this play out in my own life in such a delightful way.

Ever since I returned from leading retreat in Guatemala last month I've been feeling a deep desire for my own retreat experience. I want to step back from my life and my business and gain the kind of perspective you can only get when you look from a distance.

I started tuning in to my heart for direction and asking the Universe to support me in my intentions. I paid close attention to the things that were catching my interest and turning me on. I know this is how Source speaks to me and I trust my desire to lead me exactly where I need to go -- it always does 💘

Then an opportunity came along that made my heart buzz with excitement (and a little nervousness too) -- a chance to deep dive with some of my favorite dance teachers in an online immersion retreat. My heart said YES (this feels like a pull at my solar plexus). It's my job to trust and take action. I registered for the retreat!

Almost immediately, things in my world began shifting and organizing around my commitment for clarity. I started to hear things I hadn't heard before and take action that I'd previously put off for months. The parts of my life that are NOT clear are coming sharply into focus and asking for my loving attention.

My retreat has already started -- it started the moment I bought the ticket.

That's how it works!

Commitment sets transformation in motion.

And that's why I'm inviting you to commit to a retreat happening 11 months from now. Because it will begin the moment your heart says yes <3

Trust your desire. If your heart is saying yes (this might feel like tingles, belly butterflies, lightness, joy), buy the ticket and watch your life start to organize around what's possible.

July 16th-23rd 2022
Lake Atitlan, Guatemala

Ashlie Woods