There Is Nothing Wrong With You

This message came through so loud and clear. I know someone needs to hear this today. Maybe it's you.

Please read these words slowly and with an open heart to receive them.

There is nothing wrong with you.

You are not broken.

There is nothing about yourself that you need to fix regardless of what that little voice in your head says about it.

Stop trying to beat yourself into a better version. It won't work.

You only need to remember who you are.

You are a powerful creator.

You are whole, complete and perfectly made.

Anything that gets in the way of you experiencing your wholeness is an aspect of your past that is now ready to be healed.

Healing is possible.

It is love that will heal you.

The only work for you to do is to fully and completely love yourself.

How might you begin to embrace the parts of you that you judge as unlovable?

How can you make room in your own heart so that all of you is welcome there?

If this seems like an impossible task, reach out to me. I can help.

You deserve to live in the fullness of who you really are.

Ashlie Woods