Call to Trust


My work is all about trusting your heart. I lead retreats and coaching programs and work one-on-one with people teaching them how to quiet the noise in their head and listen to the wisdom of their heart.

I encourage them to trust that wisdom to guide them even when it doesn't make sense. Oftentimes, our heart is going to ask us to do things that don't make sense or that don’t fit within the conventional ideas of how we should live or how life should look.

This is what I teach people — trust your heart & let it light the way! So, at the end of last year, when my partner of nine years told me that he felt he needed to hit the pause button on our relationship, I was surprised.

We were engaged in couples counseling so I knew there were some things not working as well as we wanted. But all in all, we had a really beautiful relationship and a deep friendship with lots of love present between us. So when he tells me, "I can't quite explain it but I feel like this is what I need to do for myself and my growth right now. I just need to hit the pause button on this thing”. How could I argue with that? He was doing exactly what I teach people to do and what I believe is so important in terms of how to live — to trust something deep within us to guide our way, even when it's hard.

I didn't like the information he was giving me. It's not exactly what I wanted or would have chosen at the time. But I knew he was speaking his truth at the risk of hurting someone he cared deeply about. I really appreciated the courage and the bravery that took and, on some deep level, I trusted it. If that is what’s in his highest good, it is in my highest good as well.

I really believe that life is always happening for us — not to us. We're not the victim of what's happening. Life isn't out to get us. It's always unfolding in a way that's going to lead us into our next level of growth and into our fullest potential.

But I'll tell you, that's a lot easier to believe when things are going the way you want them to. It gets a little tricky when shit starts going off the handle. When someone you love is breaking up with you it's a lot harder to feel like, “Oh, this is happening for me.”

In that way, my experience the last nine months has really been about stepping into a greater level of trust and surrender to a greater plan. My tendency is to want to grasp and control and kind of force life to go in the way I think it should go.

Over the next couple of weeks I want to walk you through what I've been experiencing the last nine months and the lessons that have emerged in the process.

We don’t have to wait for life to jolt us before we start making changes. We can recognize that things aren't working quite how we want them to and that can compel us or inspire us to take some sort of action. Maybe we hire a coach or we go see a therapist or we register for a retreat or we take a class or we make some sort of change that moves our life in a different direction.

But sometimes life provides that for us whether we wanted it or not. Life hands you circumstances and it serves as a call to trust. A call to trust that, even amidst what's happening, life is happening for you.

So, the question I'll leave you with is, where is your life feeling a little sticky? Where do you have an opportunity to take aligned and inspired action towards causing the change you desire?

Or maybe you have been handed circumstances that have to be dealt with, whether you really wanted to or not. Can you take a deep breath and consider that everything happening in your life right now is for your growth and for your highest good? What difference might it make if you held it in that way?

Life is calling you to a deeper level of trust. What will you do now?

We'll talk about what started showing up for me in the process of adjusting and healing and reorienting my life without my partner, and how I've tapped into and surrendered in ways that I couldn't have imagined nine months ago.

 All right, thanks for being here you guys, and journeying with me. I'll see you soon.

Ashlie Woods