Enneagram Type Three

Basic Descriptors: Achievement-driven, results-oriented, image-aware, charming, adaptable, driven and diplomatic.

Passion: Vanity (passionate concern for one's image being whatever is right or most successful for the context)

Ego Fixation: Deceit

Basic Fear: Being worthless, without value apart from their achievements

Basic Desire: To feel worthwhile, accepted, and desirable



This quick reference guide captures the various aspects of each Enneagram Type including attributes, basic fears, desires, passions, virtues, fixations, defense mechanisms, and more!


Enneagram Type Three Subtypes

Ashlie Woods

Director of Business Division & Lead Coach at Sourced

Ashlie is a transformational coach, retreat leader, dance lover and Enneagram enthusiast. She is passionate about facilitating experiences that liberate and empower people to live their fullest, more creative and self-expressed lives. She believes there is a life that wants to be lived through you and a purpose only you can fulfill.

She spent 6 years designing and delivering corporate training programs focused on leadership development and company culture before making the bold leap to start her own retreat-based business.

Ashlie now supports heart-centered business owners (coaches, consultants, creatives, healers) to market, sell and deliver their transformational work in the world using their unique magical gifts.